In the ongoing struggle to keep recreational marijuana out of Camden (recreational alcohol is still allowed) the folks at Camden Cares have leaned into the argument that the weed company behind this legalization effort is controlled by out of state investors.
The business is "a multi-state venture solely for profit at the expense of Camden's unique and treasured character," according to a fun video set to the song "Get Together" performed by The Youngbloods. Incidentally, according to Wikipedia, the song was written by Chet Powers, who sold the rights to the song in order to help pay for his legal defense after getting busted for... marijuana.
In light of this particular attack, it seems relevant to point out that several of the Camden Cares folks themselves are not what would be classically considered "locals".
Take the president, Jordan Cohen: He not only moved to Camden in 2020, but let the NY Post write an article about it, doing his small part to spur the Great Covid Douche Migration and help make home ownership and rentals in Camden - and the entire Midcoast - much less affordable for normal working people.
(Board member Stuart Smith still doing his part to help with the housing!)
Another board member, Sophie Piconi, stated at a recent meeting that she and her family fled the west coast to escape the smell of weed. However, we received a Whistle that the true reason for their migration may have more to do with a failed fly fishing company and flying the coop on some exotic feather debts.
We're intrigued! What kind of feathers? What did the exotic feather dealer look like? How do you get into exotic feather debt? Did the dealer have a store? Did they acquire these feathers legally?
But mostly we're not sure if these are the people who should be deciding the direction of our communities, let alone calling people out for being from away.