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Classic Rick Move

After cleaning up all the bad stuff from the former junkyard on Rockland St., the city is now looking for someone to develop it, preferably with some houses.

The deadline to bid was May 1, and of the 3 submissions, one stood out as exceptionally rickish.

"$10,000 more than the next highest bid" for housing and green space from Rockland Realty is less of a well thought-out bid and more of a sleazy last-minute attempt to suck up some more property.

Not super surprising coming from someone who in soliciting tax breaks from the city for his downtown building, floated the idea of making several affordable apartments above his business, only to settle on a grand total of two unaffordable ones.

Or from someone whose family business recently got rid of the Main St. discount (everyone does it) and charges $8 for a bag of chips (estimate).

Anyways, we here at Whispers Realty would like to bid $10,001 more than the highest actual bid and would like to copy their proposal. Our only promise is to include an art gallery for our own work. It's really good. Once other galleries find out about it we're sure the shows will start lining up.


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