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A Park To Be Proud Of

Everyone agrees that a park is the best use for the former RES site and thanks to a donation we may be able to keep it from falling into the hands of merchants, poors, seniors, or other riffraff.

But only $3 million? As one of only 6 parks in a 1 mile radius, it’s imperative that we create not just a field with some flowers, but a legacy Rockport can be proud of for generations.

We here at Midcoast Whispers have traveled to some of the globe’s most iconic parks to find elements that should be included.

Hopefully these suggestions will provide a good starting point for the planning process and help get the fundraising jump-started.

A moat would make a perfect natural barrier from the bustle of traffic (could also look into diverting Route 1).

Fortress walls create a majestic first impression and would allow for a raised landscape inside the park. This would give passersby an aspirational glimpse at the design while a drawbridge would help keep out undesirable visitors.

Estimated Cost: $90 million

A moat shouldn’t preclude other water elements. A reflecting pool or fish pond in the center would be a perfect spot to recite classical poetry or contemplate brand mergers.

No park is complete without fountains. Imagine classical music wafting on a warm summer breeze as an understated light show filters through spouts of water emerging from a school of silver fish, reflecting off a golden osprey as you turn to your daughter in her Lithuanian organic linen overalls and she whispers that she loves Bach's early conciertos almost as much as she loves you...

I'm getting ahead of myself. But doesn't that sound lovely?

Estimated Cost: $40 million

Spending over $100 million on a park is pointless if you're going to half-ass the landscaping.

The design must create a striking aerial impression and lead visitors on a sensory narrative exploration through the park.

We can also demonstrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion by using plant species from around the world.

Estimated Cost: $12 million + $1 million/year for upkeep

Other ideas:

Flock of peacocks

Floating stage

Stone ferris wheel

Seal rides

Whistle at us with other suggestions!

While there may be some disagreements over the specifics (that kind of debate is what makes Rockport so great!) I hope we can work together to turn this high-visibility eyesore into a legacy we can all be proud of.

Let your town officials know that we can't build just a park.

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